Learn All About the Canadian Ski Patrol at Hidden Valley Highlands Ski Area
The Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP) is a national non-profit organization that provides advanced first aid services to over 230 alpine and nordic ski areas across Canada. Our organization was founded in 1941 when the Canadian Amateur Ski Association (CASA) made a request to our founder Dr. Douglas Firth, to organize and train a first aid rescue team to patrol ski hills. Since then, the CSP has grown to approximately 4,300 volunteers that provide advanced first aid services on and off the ski hill. Our organization is divided into nine divisions, with each division divided further into multiple zones.
We provide advanced first aid services at Hidden Valley Highlands Ski Area and Arrowhead Nordic Ski Club in Huntsville, Ontario during the winter ski season. We also offer first aid services year-round at events such as the Ontario Winter Games, OFSAA, Tough Mudder, Iron Man Triathlons, and more in our Muskoka Communities.
We’re more than just a group of people who provide advanced first aid. Some of our patrollers would define our group as a family. We ski and snowboard together, create events to make patrolling and skill training throughout the season more fun and exciting, have pot-luck dinners on occasional evenings and have social gatherings outside the ski hill.
How to get involved 
Becoming a volunteer Ski Patroller is a great way to get involved in your community, stay up-to-date on CPR training and ski or snowboard more often this winter! If you are interested in joining the Muskoka Zone Team please follow the link here or send an email to recruit@skipatrolmuskoka.ca today!
Stay current with all Muskoka Zone news by following them on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.